Farm Day 2013 - Peafowl photos!

This beautiful emerald spalding pied peacock came probably from a double cross with green peacock because the green feathers are green / gold most of the emerald spalding pied are green / blue.

This cock from Josh, must be the real Spalding pied 15/16 !
I think the females emerald spalding pied do not have the quality of this peacock ... they are spalding green / blue.

Where are the spaldings of the photo galery on the site ?
No spalding emerald silver pied ?

Spalding ... or pur green :
Pants, shorts ... or bermuda of Spalding are often two-tone ( brown - black ) or aren't so dark.
I agree the females are not as nice looking as this peacock. Here is a photo on their website of a nice spalding peahen:

I did not see this spalding pied white eye peacock there but maybe he was and I missed him: Here is the same bird displaying:

Here is another spalding pied peacock pictured on their site:

Now that I look at their photo gallery again, I feel like I missed seeing the Jade peafowl. I wonder if they even still have jade? Who knows they could have been hiding because of all the people. In the green peafowl & spalding pens there is a palate leaning up against the wall and it is my guess that they use this for when the peacock gets aggressive, the peahens can hide behind the palate. I saw one pen and I knew two peahens were in there, but you could hardly see one of the peahens as she was behind the palate. Maybe some of the peafowl were hiding behind palates and I didn't notice.

Today I should be calling Josh. My main worry is that my mom will change her mind about me getting green peafowl. I had to save up a lot of money for them and I know my parents hate to see me spend what I saved up on buying birds so I will see how that goes. They know I have been waiting a long time for green peafowl but anything at this point could change their mind. I only have 8 birds right now and I think the most birds I have ever had was around 12 or so (maybe more with peachicks), so it is not like getting two more peafowl would be bringing my total number of birds to a higher number than it has ever been. I have my fingers crossed!
Alright I think I jumped the gun here guys. I guess that shows that I am pretty addicted to peafowl. XD I got to talking to Josh for a long time and learned some things I did not previously know. Also my parents helped shake me back into reality. I CANNOT get more birds without first having more pens. I could do it, but they would most likely suffer because the only available pen I have is my small black pen. Also, my current aviary really does have bad netting. It tears around the fence & roosts. My lovely birds don't fly out of the aviary when a hole shows up but if they do they come back. I definitely can't ever put a green peafowl in a pen like that! So all I can say is I have finally calmed down and I am happy to have found a place to get green peafowl from and now I need to go straight into construction mode.

Anyways what I learned from Josh was that it is a good idea to have a dim light in a green peafowl pen so that if they get startled at night they won't kill themselves flying into something. Also the reason why my peafowl are not using the covered roost in the tin building at night is because I don't have lighting in there. They said the peas like to roost where they see the most light so that is why peafowl always like to roost on the outside perches!!! Josh was awesome to talk to and I feel bad about changing my mind about getting the greens now but I will definitely be getting some from him in the future. Oh and the feather picking only happened because he didn't get them out of their smaller chick pen sooner. He said as they got bigger it got too crowded and they started picking due to overcrowding. The adult birds shown that have some feather picking were just recently moved into those pens and they used to be in a pen with more birds so that was the reason for the picking. It is easily solved with more space he said.
Wow these are really some nice peafowl! Can't believe I haven't seen this thread before. Are ya selling any chicks this year?

Yeah these are not my birds. These are photos I took of Rocking BAB Ranch's farm day where they open their farm to the public for lots of fun activities and for people to look at all of their beautiful birds and other animals. On their website it says they only sell young chicks in common varieties.

I had a lot of fun and I still want to get green peafowl from them.
Actually after seeing all of the subspecies in person the Javanese, or as Josh explained it, they are really Muticus Muticus birds instead of Javanese...Anyways those ended up being my favorite but the Imperators were nice too. He has a pen of American Greens that he told me he is sure that they are pure Javanese if I want peachicks from them. They sure would cost less but I have to think about it. I want to make sure I get some that appeal to what I am looking for the most which is mainly size and color. I can't imagine the cost of importing either but Josh said it is just a numbers game...I was wondering if he meant it all had to do with how many birds you import at once or something.

When we were there I was wondering how many acres it was. Their farm is just beautiful. My boyfriend and I were saying how it would be awesome to have such a beautiful place. They have lots of pretty open fields and nice forested areas.

Josh did have lots of young greens. I was very surprised to see so many young ones! I always got the impression that it was hard for people to get peachicks from greens, but Josh got a lot of young greens!

Time for more photos!! These first two photos might be pen 41...

Look at the legs on this peacock!

Next photos pen # 37.

Pen # 38. Josh said this is one of his nicest birds. It took years to get a Spalding pied bird with the nice scaled neck, bright yellow face, long legs, etc. This bird was very beautiful!

I think this is pen # 37 again...

Big Spalding white peacock...

I am going to go ahead and post this and then keep on posting more photos in another post...I just don't want this to backspace or crash or something and then have to re do this!

Beautiful birds!!!
Here is another one.

So genetically, would this still be a green peafowl or if it has random white feathers like this, does that mean it is a Spalding? There was a topic on this a while back. Someone had a green peahen that was turning white like that. Will offspring from this bird have the same trait and will breeding it to a pied bird still get you what you would get breeding a pied to a pied?
It is a green peahen but a line presenting a genetic weakness leaving the disease epitasis appear ... may be a problem of metabolism.
Some say it is a dietary deficiency ... but then how do you explain that in nature ... it always exist?
Long ago they are birds that had much success in the Chinese or Japanese emperor runs. There were some who were almost all white!

Breed such birds is to prolong the existence of this defect!
Or it might be interesting to push the 'default' to the max!
Could it be that it is just white showing up because of captive breeding , like captive bred foxes, they will get white on them after generations of captive breeding as they no longer have a need for camouflage to survive.

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