farm guinea pigs (meat cavy!)

Lol Pocket isn't exactly a pet. I prefer not to check her for dilation, as they have a large enclosure decked out with lots to hide in and behind so catching her would be more stress than the extra bit of info would be worth imo.

Mainly asking because the body size can be deceptive on these, even moreso if someone hasn't seen a lot of late term guinea pigs before. It's possible for a guinea pig to look the size of yours in that pic, but then you pick her up and check the dilation, and it's nowhere.
She looks too small to me to be at day 72 of a pregnancy, unless she is maybe, only carrying 1 baby or something? So counting 15 days back would be 57, which does look about right for that pic. The vast majority of mine pop on day 68.
Shrug. I could be wrong. What do you think, these are recent photos of her(taken today):

These were taken July 10 (she had 4 pups on July 12):

This is one with a similar coat type to yours at day 52 of a pregnancy. It was her first pregnancy so she was a similar body size to what yours is now (yours being on the second). This was a litter of 4.
She looks too small to me to be at day 72 of a pregnancy, unless she is maybe, only carrying 1 baby or something? So counting 15 days back would be 57, which does look about right for that pic. The vast majority of mine pop on day 68.

Well, I think you were right, but it is a mute point. She had her babies. Three of them. They all immediately died. Eyes still sealed, fur not grown in on heads, completely missing from rears, super thin skin. :(

Poor Pocket. At least she is OK. I'll be definitely giving her a few months to recover after this before considering introing her to a male again. In another two weeks or so when TF's quarantine is up I will intro Pocket's daughters to him. He is doing fabulously btw.

Sorry for the sad news, all.
Maybe wait a little longer on introing the girls, actually. They will be just under 90 days old when TF's quarintine is up. Should I wait till they hit 4 months, you think? Longer, shorter?

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