farm guinea pigs (meat cavy!)

How are the Cavys? I have been considering breeding them for meat myself, chose rabbits 4 years ago but am ready to try cavys...
Been away for awhile but wanted to give an update. The guineas survived and bred through the winter in my garage. The average temperature all winter was 40 degrees F. For a period of three weeks I did end up running the heater when temps dipped to just below freezing in the garage. Lost 4-5 over the course of the winter to failure to thrive I'm guessing. They just couldn't keep weight on and health deteriorated. Interestingly enough they were all from the same breeder so it seems they were just not hardy stock. Only litters of 3 or lower would have the best chance of all surviving. They're all currently back out in the yard and enjoying the fresh grass again since mid April. Will share pictures when I can.

I will add that I plan to end the guinea project this fall as I don't want to manage them in the garage again this coming winter. If anyone close to me is interested in purchasing some breeding stock let me know. They're Minnesota winter tested and passed :D.
I'm looking into raising guinea pigs as a source of meat. Either for myself or to feed to my dog. Either way it will reduce the food costs for the household.

A friend of mine ended up with a couple of unexpected babies from her guinea pigs, who were not both boys. So she's keeping a couple and I am going to take some of the extras. Got to start somewhere, right.

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