Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

Amen to you all!
I discovered that wheat nowadays is not the same wheat they ate a few generations previous. Some scientists thought we needed more gluten in it, so modified the grain. I believe this is where gluten intolerance for a lot of folks comes from. Trust a scientist to try to 'improve' on nature. Oye! Now that I've severely limited it & sugar from my diet, all is well. I drink 5% light cream with my cereal because my body can't handle anything lighter. Thought I was lactose or milk protein intolerant. Nope. We eat our own chicken & eggs and going to get muscovy ducks next year for some good meat too. Limiting the amount of beef seems to help too. There is just way too much excessive eating going on out there, & all processed junk. It's killing us sooner, I'm sure! Bravo to those who can raise a large variety of their own meat & produce!
Since I dumped everything but mostly veg and meat I sleep better, feel more energy and can think better and no afternoon slumps. I eat a fair amount of meat, and based on the diet of the natives of the far north I can't see that too much meat is an issue. Of course organic is better and grass fed is best. BUt I felt a lot better just dumping the high carb foods overall and finding substitutes that are low carb. Generally that means quitting the grains, only small amounts of whole fruits. No juices, no breads, few or little high carb veggies.

I have 2 muscovy on my to do list and I think tomorrow will be a turkey. Nice cool weather for roasting. Yeah I eat a lot of poultry.
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Since I dumped everything but mostly veg and meat I sleep better, feel more energy and can think better and no afternoon slumps. I eat a fair amount of meat, and based on the diet of the natives of the far north I can't see that too much meat is an issue. Of course organic is better and grass fed is best. BUt I felt a lot better just dumping the high carb foods overall and finding substitutes that are low carb. Generally that means quitting the grains, only small amounts of whole fruits. No juices, no breads, few or little high carb veggies.

I have 2 muscovy on my to do list and I think tomorrow will be a turkey. Nice cool weather for roasting. Yeah I eat a lot of poultry.

I found this video a couple of years ago.
Dr. Wahls had extreme MS and was getting worse, despite having the best drs. and treatments in the country. She cured herself with her diet. I don't follow it completly I still do some dairy, mostly yogurt (pure milk, cream, cultures and some pectin; nothing else) and natural undyed cheese. I eat a lot of fruits, veg and meat. I don't drink soda, mostly water, some tea. I rarely eat pasta or bread. Occasionally eat organic corn chips or wheat crackers. Previous I had bread, pasta, crackers almost every day. I too sleep better, less aches and pains, more energy, lost weight and to top it off my chronic sinus issues are almost gone.
Ok finally posting so I can stay with this...the divergent paths I've taken to find it again tho very interesting are just too time consuming! :) :) hope y'all get back to chickens soon. Big hey y'all from Al.:):)
Cook our own meals.Good quality food we can raise ourselves, or make use of CSA's, or local farm stands. Dump the junk. Stop eating out of packages of the processed kind. GIve the bread to the chickens and eat the chickens or the eggs.

Where are the Victoria Gardens from 50 years ago? Who raises a few chickens or rabbits to feed their family? Wedon't need all the breads and high carb foods the food pyramid drills into our head.
ahhh, right here...just a few of the beds...this first picture tomatoes, broccoli, sage, tomatillos

A bed of peppers and an aisle view of several beds with plants like rosemary, basil, squash, cabbage, tomatoes, peas, collards, and fruit trees on the surround.....

This is why I eat a lot of chicken and turkey. Chicken is known for the curative effects.

I just put 2 pathetic roasts in the oven--someday I'll roast a beautiful bird that I raised. For now--phase 2--culling down and making room.

Roast home grown goose stuffed with homegrown onions, apples and celery, a few homegrown cherry and Roma tomatoes, Potato Giblet dressing with homegrown potatoes, onions, peppers and herbs
goose just waiting for the carving.

Lovely gardens!! Seeing the weedy mess mine are in yours are an artistic creation. Complete with a pretty little lavender flowering plant!!

You have inspired tme!! Need to cut down more saplings, make another fence AND put the rams in to clear it down to the nubbin, then add some chickens for the winter!!
Oh the garden has a few beds I had to weed this evening...jalapeños and cabbage beds. Threw the weeds and grass into one of the juvenile pens and the birds went to town on them. Need to weed whack around the beds and mow the aisles tomorrow afternoon.

I like planting flowers in the beds to bring in the bees for pollinating and the beneficials for the nasty bugs. Those lavender flowers are old fashioned petunias...really fragrant.

Now that the plants are established well, I can begin letting a few trusted birds in to catch the grasshoppers....a few of my girls are real earth movers and aren't allowed anywhere near the garden! Lol

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