Fav chicken

My Buff Orphington was always my friendliest lady, until Olive came along this year. I call her my right-hand-lady as she follows me everywhere and gets in my way whenever I'm doing anything with the coop. She's so friendly and has stolen my heart. I still like Buffy, but Olive the EE is my pick.

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All 20+ are my favorite! But no, seriously, I have some FAVORITE favori:thumbsuptes.

Cleo, my Dutch Bantam (or OEGB, not sure) is one fav. She follows me around with her cute little "brrrrp?" Sound and loves me to hold her and carry her around. Actually, she likes ANYBODY to pick her up and carry her around. She's just THAT sweet.
As a baby....she would ALWAYS stand still for me to pose her and take pictures.


Sophie, an EE is another fav. She will jump onto the perch when I am in the run, and this is her cue that she is ready for some face rubs and "petsies". She gets SOOPER jealous when I hold other chickens. Seriously. I didn't know chickens got jealous, but she proves it all the time.


And I have an unnamed gray EE who is beginning to act like Sophie. And loves to stick it in Sophie's face when I hold her and Sophie is on her perch.....you know what THAT means.
No pic...sorry.

Here's Fizzgig. The first EE that I hatched. She thinks she is a rooster. She's the dark one.

This is my Silkie Mama. She's my fav because she will hatch ANYTHING, ANYTIME. But boy! Is she a nasty broody mama. AND because a photo I took of her won a calender contest for the Dept. Of Agriculture in Oregon and Nebraska. She was Miss February!

Then there's Gash, my young little roo. He is trained to fly onto my arm for corn.

Ok, I will stop..... for now.....

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