Faverolle rooster bullied


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Apr 3, 2011
southern Ohio
Sam my faverolle roo has been raised in a flock of 37 chicks all about 20 weeks old. He is low on pecking order of 4 large fowl roos, and he is starting to act very afraid of the head roo(a BCM)and #2 a buff brahma. We have even thought he was sick since he seems to cower in corners and stay mostly in the pen and run. Noticed he had a limp last week, but no bumblefoot or broken bones. No lice or worms. He has always been kind of lazy and stayed near the food bowls,
but I'm worried about what to do. He does not crow or try to mate as the other 2 do.
Either you will have to keep him away from the other roos or he will die. Faverolles are somewhat of a docile and timid group of chickens. I love them!
I really love them too. I have 2 pullets as well and they are the ones that always run up to me and want to be petted. Sam the roo used to be the friendliest until the BCM roo started harassing him. I hate to separate him because I'll have to put more with him in a separate coop, but I wish he would stand up for himself a little. He is even afraid of some of my GLW hens.
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Faverolles would be better off in a pen of their own. I used to have them and they got along with other breeds but I had more Favs than other breeds.

Let your boy go with the Fav girls in a pen by themselves. They are so docile.
I think I will try removing the 2 or 3 other roos, so that the faverolle roo can have some peace for a few weeks. The BCM and buff brahmas are handsome, but I think they need rooster jail for a few weeks as they have been rough on the hens starting out, and I need to decide what to do with extra roos.
I only have 1 fav roo, Mr. Fluffers... And here is how sweet and gently Mr. Fluffers is... He stands guard over his lone hen... I had two, but my dog... EEEERRRR.... Well anyway, I would NOT put a standard/large breed roo with him at all. I have 5 LF hens, and the rest are all cochin or silkies. Even silkie roos... So he's top DOG of the flock. But I don't worry about him going after my kiddos... He's even tolerant of Fuzzy Monster (indoor/outdoor cat). She can sit right next to him, and he's not like other roos, who would attack her...
X 2 the stress induced by the dominant roosters is suppressing testosterone production and could conceivably kill him. Separation or a new home would be viable solutions.

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