Favorelle in pain, large warm vent abcess?

Sorry for you loss.
You did the best you could to help take care of her.
She was lucky to have survived the fox attach as long as she did.
Keep a close eye on her babies for her.
Vern Passed away this morning. My husband had checked on her before I made my last post, and she was weak but still with us. When I went back out to the coop to bring her some scrambled eggies, and had the resolve to euthanize; nature had already come for her. We buried her in our Memorial garden by her chick who was lost in the fox attack. She was an amazing hen. We named her Vern because she went broody on the Vernal equinox. The chicks hatched with the following full moon. It some how seems appropriate that she left us on the Summer solstice.
She looked peaceful. Her eyes were closed, and her crop was full. I think the baths helped her relax, and feel clean. she was in the same spot I had set her in this morning. It was dark, and peaceful for her. Thank you all for your support over the past few days. I am so grateful there are people out there who understand how a chicken can steal a heart.
I've been following...hoping for the best. I'm so sorry to hear about her. :hugs
Her death sounds like it was a good end, a peaceful end...and she would have known you were trying to help. Thank you for all that you did for her.:)

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