

11 Years
Aug 24, 2008
Hi all. I just got out to check out our birds today and I am a bit confused. Our 4H poultry superintendant told us the chick we took home from fair in August was a Salmon Favorelle. In the fall we were fairly sure we had a pullet. But as I was checking her out today this chicken is not looking like a Salmin Favorelle pullet or cockerel. I'm leaning toward a cockerel now but definately doesn't have the salmon coloring. I had Jacob take a pic - it's not a full body shot, but I'm hoping someone can give me an idea as to what we have. Age is about 7 mos. Thanks for your help with this. I've been searching online but can't find anything so I guess I'm looking in all the wrong places

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Thanks guys. I guess we're changing Baby's name to Joe but it sure is hard to switch from she to he .....
Well, it is possible it could be an EE roo but the comb says single.

Does he have a fifth toe on each foot? Got light feathers on his legs? If so, its a badly colored Faverolle cockeral.

If not, then it is a mutt of some sort.
Could still be an EE, maybe second generation EE.
EEs being mutts they can look like anything. I have a ee hen that is AmeraucanaXBlack sexlink, fat pitchblack hen with a beard that will put some ameraucanas to shame and a nice single comb.
Yeah, he's got five toes and feathered legs. His coloring is so pretty. Jacob is plning on taking him to show at fair for 4H in August.

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