Favorite Mouse Trap?


Jun 29, 2022
Found some suspicious looking holes at the inside edges of my run. Ive kicked some dirt in them, and even put a brick over one, and same sized holes reappear nearby a few days later.

Possible I locked one in when I was finishing the run/adding HWC skirt in the fall. Could also be a vole that tunneled in, as we have lots of them around.

I have 2 barn cats, but they can’t access the run to help me out.

What’s your favorite mouse trap for use in coop/run?

ETA- Preferably a live trap, as I would relocate the critter to our pasture where it can take its chances with the cats and other predators.
I prefer the sticky glue ones. They work 9/10 times for me. Some of them require bait while others are scented like peanut butter. It doesn't need to be said, but make damn sure the chickens can't reach it. I have some wood beams stacked on one side in the run and there's a bit of space between them and the floor. I put the sticky traps there and cover all sides with bricks, so the inquisitive chickens can't get in. Mind you while they are perfect for mice you'll need bigger and sturdier snap traps for rats.
Here in any farm store you can get live traps that are just made out of mesh. They work well, although some of them seem too small to be humane, in which case you can get the ones meant for rats. (they seem to work well for mice)
You are asking the wrong question. If burglars were getting in your house would you ask what the best type of burglar trap was or would you lock the door?

Mice are there only because you are feeding them. Stop feeding them. They will leave. Continue to feed them and they will invade your house next or your car and start eating the wiring harnesses.

Search the forum for rodents/rats/mice/ chicken. What you will learn is that you cannot trap rodents out of existence, or poison them away. Howard E's famous Rat 101 post is in the list of recent posts, find it and read it. Follow his very good instructions of sanitation, exclusion, and elimination and you will no longer have rodents.

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