Favorite Screenname

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Mahonri Moriancumr = Brother of Jared

Is your brothers name Jared?
No, I have three brothers, none of whom are Jared.

Mahonri Moriancumr is a hero of mine. He was an amazing "seer" and man of great faith in God.
ooh, well thats a neat name then! so, i still vote for you!
There was another one is chat last nightname ... I didn't think that kind of name would fly but I guess it did!

Fixed thanks for the heads up - please use the report and help us keep up with these types of membr names.
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Mahonri Moriancumr = Brother of Jared

I was always wondering what your username ment.
I always thought "Fowl Temptress" was pretty funny. I liked the name "PoultryPimp" too.
I'm considering "ChickBond 007" because DebiRaymond can't remember my other name. LOL
I like MY screen name!!! I drove all the way to Kansas to pick up two Champion Rat Terrier stud dogs to add to my breeding program. A few weeks after bringing them home, they had busted out of their kennel and began chasing MY two sheep in MY field, when my neighbor came over(thinking he was helping) and shot my two dogs. He thought they were strays, and we weren't home. So in their memory, I came up with Bammony from their two names, Bam and Sony.
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