Feather identification


Apr 10, 2022
Hello, so unfortunately I had a bird attack my chickens and I lost my favorite beloved silky :( nearby I realized there was a huge pile of feathers that did not look like they were from any of my birds. I am wondering what attacked them and how I can prevent this from happening again. My rooster must have attacked the bird and that would explain the feathers. I cannot thank my rooster enough who tried his best and protected the rest of the flock, the poor boy :( I didnt see any feathers missing from him or any of his girls

Right now im suspecting a hawk as I have seen one nearby but perhaps knowing what type of hawk it is would help me keep it away, I live in southern/mid california if that helps



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Those are your roosters or another's chickens feathers. Sorry for your loss.
are you sure? I dont notice any missing from my chickens and they dont quite match my rooster, im not sure if the camera shows that though

it might be but I just dont see anything missing and theres a lot of feathers on the ground

(in the picture it makes it kinda look like hes missing a few feathers but that spot has been there for a while and not nearly enough feathers are missing)
are you sure? I dont notice any missing from my chickens and they dont quite match my rooster, im not sure if the camera shows that though

it might be but I just dont see anything missing and theres a lot of feathers on the ground

(in the picture it makes it kinda look like hes missing a few feathers but that spot has been there for a while and not nearly enough feathers are missing)
You're not likely going to notice feathers missing on your birds.
The raptor went after one of your other birds, decided the silkie, because silkies are *defenseless* and was the easier target and took her.

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