Feather Loss - Help Please!

Thanks, Egglicious. I may have to try the pinless peepers. I really think they must be picking feathers at night. I went out to the coop this evening to put some Diatomacious Earth on them and noticed that there are quite a number of feathers below their roost. And they don't all roost in the same direction. I bet that is what is happening.

Can anyone tell me how to post a photo on this thread?
I never did the pinless peepers but I did put duct tape saddles on them. It was crazy trying to get them on but once they were on they stayed on until the feathers grew back completely. I used an anti-peck lotion as well but the tape worked better!
I dont mean to but in on your thread. but I have a similar issue but its about my roo. My roo (Boss) is an Amaraucana/easter eager and he is losing the long plumage on his tail. no other feathers around there are gone just his tail feathers. It is not a varmint because my coop is totally secure. the rest of my flock is fine and he hasnt shown any signs of molting.

to sum up:
What could be the cause of him losing his Tail feathers??
Oh this is happening to our crele leghorn rooster too. he used to have the most beautiful tail feathers but today he plucked out his last one. Now he looks like a youngster. I could make him a saddle but how would a tail feather saddle work?

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