Feather plucked


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2016
Plymouth, Devon, U.K.
I've only had my 4 chickens 4 days, and noticed tonight that 2 of my hens have been pecked at on their back feathers and feathers are missing and goldie has an open wound which is bleeding is this normal behaviour? What can we put on this wound if anything! Can anything be done to stop this or is this normal pecking order.
It's pretty normal behavior. Depending how much smaller or outnumbered the new introductions are is the degree of pecking. I don't introduce really young birds to laying flock. You'll want to cover the wound. Open wounds are pecking magnets and can quickly lead to problems. Blue kote is a wonderful product and all I keep on hand for medical supply. Spray can of blue antiseptic that will keep the wound from festering and cover it so birds are less apt to peck that same spot over and over.
Thank you, where can you buy this from in the uk. The chickens are nearly all the same size they are all 16 wks old, I bought them all from the same place. 1 of them is calmer and friendlier than the other 3 she will feed out of my hand and I can pick her up and stroke her. She is one of he ones that is being pecked she is an Amber Rock..
Here in the states it's available at the local feed store. Usually in the cattle/sheep section. You may not have the exact product but something similar will be there. Spray on antiseptic coating that's dark color to visually cover the wound.


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