Feather Plucking


In the Brooder
May 1, 2015
I have 3 adult chickens, and one of them has NO feathers on her hind end. It is VERY red and I have put pick-no-more on a few times, but they still go after her. They all have some feather loss, but she is the worst. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do for her???? These chickens were given to me a month ago, and previous owner said she never had feathers there. She is a good layer, and it doesn't affect that. :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I would continue with the pic no more and if it really is that bad yes seperate her or remove the main instigator of the pecking. Have you checked them all for mites? This too can cause feather loss. Also how much room do they have? The more room you can give them the better as this reduces boredom and should result in less feather pecking. You can also add them something to play with if they are in a run as in a whole cabbage hung up so they can peck at that rather than each other. Also more protein in their diet can help sometimes feather pecking can be as a result of low protein diet. You could also try pinless peepers if the problem persists. I've not used them myself but here is a thread I found about them https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/361771/pinless-peeper-question

Wishing you the very best of luck I hope they are back to being fully feathered soon.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Sounds like it is bad enough where you should go to pinless peepers. Put it on the ringleader first, if that doesn't stop it put on all of the bad ones. Your poor girl needs a chance to heal and they won't let her. I would put the worst offender in solitaire (crate _ for a few days to take the starch out of her sails. Any that dare to take her place, would be isolated also. I think you really have to come down hard . Isolating the victim is punishing her. She didn't do anything.

I think taking the worst ones out of group for a few days will confuse them enough where they may let her be. But would still get peepers for them to drive the message home.If they have something else to think about (peepers) they won't have time to bother her.

Meanwhile check victim often, to see that no flies lay eggs in her wound. Maggots can do horrific damage much worse than what she started with. BTW maybe a hen apron would cover her rear a bit, to help it heal.
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