Feathers Everywhere - Mystery predator


6 Years
Jan 26, 2018
For the third time in a few weeks I have found piles of feathers all over the yard. I run around in a panic but then I see that everyone is still here and no one looks injured. Twice it was chicken feathers and one time it was a pile of feathers from my turkey hen. This is Not from molting.

Who could be pulling their feathers and scattering them around the yard? Could one of the roosters be doing this? A predator that is smart enough to jump over electric fence but not smart enough to catch a chicken? Hawks?

I know the picture doesn't look like much but it is much scarier in real life. Feathers all across the yard.


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Perhaps installing a game camera would solve the mystery .
I have 2 game cameras... but I can't look at every photo of every thing that happens in every part of the yard 24-7. I already know there are bob cats trying to get in... and redtail hawks in the trees... and young roosters trying to mate... If people have ideas about what the predator is, then I can put the game camera in the right place at the right time. I need help!!
Its good to view your cameras footage daily if you suspect your chickens are being attacked. Most predators come out at night(especially bob cats) I doubt your chickens escaped 3 different attacks from a bob cat or a Hawk without getting seriously injured or killed or carried off. If all you've found are feathers and none are injured I suspect you have an aggressive rooster.

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