Feathers with white growth on base of shaft in butt area


8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
My Marans chicken had a poop build up and when I cleaned her up, I noticed her feathers had some kind of white growth at the base of her feathers in her rear end area. They almost seemed "spongey" after I washed her. Could not tell if it was the actual feather shaft swollen or a growth on the feather shaft. My other chicken don't show any signs of having it. She doesn't seem ill. Anyone have a clue to what this may be and how to treat?
sounds like lice eggs. this is around the base of the feathers? did you notice any lil critters movin around? lot's of people dust their chickens with poultry dust or sevin, i like the permethrin spray, but it takes a helper to do it that way.
You have a bad case of lice, treat accordingly and then retreat in 2 wks to break the eggs cycle.


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