Feed for Egg Sensitivity?


5 Years
May 12, 2018
Central Virginia

My friend's mother decided a few months back she wants to raise chickens this year and has built a stunning coop. Mine is basically trash lumber that is 100% functional for chickens, but hers rivals the most beautiful posted on this website. I am really impressed when some of y'all take the time and effort to make a coop as pretty or prettier than the houses most people live in.

She has a dozen or more chicks that are 3 maybe 4 weeks old this week and just found out, after dealing with skin issues etc for years that she just got tested for, and found that she is "highly intolerant to eggs". BAD timing and this is obviously extremely unfortunate!

A friend of my wife's will often take our eggs and has told us that she is "allergic" to eggs from the grocery store but has found that she can eat the eggs I gave her without any problems.

Has anyone dealt with this before, and are there certain feeds that are more likely to trigger a sensitivity than other feeds? I really want to provide some ideas. She wrote this:

"Hi ... I know my son told you about my egg sensitivity. And you mentioned to him about being able to feed chicken special feed that could help this. I've been searching for feed recipes but not sure what to look for. I dont mind making my own feed. I just want to eat the eggs...😊"
What do you feed?

Can she eat your eggs? If so then she could feed her chickens the same feed and treats as you. Otherwise I don't know! GC
Unfortunately this woman lives states away from me
So can’t test my eggs.

the one who is our friend nearby who says our eggs don’t bother her ... i feed them whatever flock raiser style feed has the most recent production date
Find out what exactly she’s intolerant to in the eggs. What did the test test for? Any other sensitivities found?
A friend of my wife's will often take our eggs and has told us that she is "allergic" to eggs from the grocery store but has found that she can eat the eggs I gave her without any problems.
What do you feed?
My friend's mother decided a few months back she wants to raise chickens this year
and just found out, after dealing with skin issues etc for years that she just got tested for, and found that she is "highly intolerant to eggs".
Can she eat your eggs? If so then she could feed her chickens the same feed and treats as you. Otherwise I don't know! GC

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