Feed for older, non-laying hens

4 years isn't old for most heritage or mixed breed hens although the hybrids may be starting to burn out by that age. All hens will slow down by 3 years of age but most hens I have had will lay thru the spring even at 6 and over. I had an Australorp that laid a dozen eggs thru the spring when she was 11 years old. And a rooster that helped produce chicks when he was 9 years old.

The point is, don't give up on your chickens just because the 'experts' say they are too old. :)
Can I have it's body after he dies so I can extract his DNA and make it to a pill form so I can sell it to old men? Of course, you shall be compensated for your rooster in the amount of $3.50. Thank you.
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Thanks everyone. Our hens will be 4 yrs old this spring - we'll see if they start laying again. It sounds like we should move to a whole flock feed or else a grower/finisher feed. Does this sound right?
I don't know what most chickens do, but my 9-year old Ameraucanas laid up until they died that year, and my other 9-year-old laid last spring (we'll see what she does now that she's 10! 😄) but I too am looking to move my whole flock to a starter/grower with plenty of calcium on the side after reading about the benefits of more protein and less calcium for the oldies and youngins. 👍 Thanks for starting this thread.

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