Feed in an egg? Hmmm


8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
Tooele, Utah
Alright, so I have two pullets who've just started laying within the last couple of weeks. The other night I was cracking open some of their eggs to use in the kitchen, and I noticed a tiny clump of stuff about a third of the size of a pea on one of the yokes. I pulled it out and was trying to figure out what it was when my boyfriend suggested that it was feed. Yup, he was right. It WAS feed, just a few grains of it.

I figure that it's just an "oops" that happened because they are so new to laying, but it made me wonder if anyone else has had this happen? I would imagine it's not a huge problem, since I have seen meat slivers and blood flecks in eggs before.
The first couple of eggs I got, had yuck in them. They very quickly became clean and nice eggs. Im sure someone more experienced can give you more info than I can.
Yea don't worry about it. The first couple eggs sometimes are just a mess lol. The hen has no idea what its doing and sometimes screws up. Nothing to worry about. The next couple will be fine.
no never happend that weird as the two systems arent linked at all they are only linked by blood not anything else

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