Feed question for chicks that are destined for freezer

Absolutely not! Meat is great for them (but maybe not chicken meat). They can eat all sorts of things. Avoid a lot of very sugary things or very salty things. Dairy of all kinds is fabulous food for them--but if it's really SALTY cheese like parmesan, I might limit the amount I give them at once, just to be safe. BTW If you have access to an abundant source of whey, like from a farm or creamery, that's a fantastic food addition.
I tend to think of them as being a bit like baby humans - good on a lot of fat, calcium and protein, but not so great on sugar and salt. I make sure they have as much water as they want but I don't want to be hard on their kidneys... especially after hearing what can happen to chicks who have been eating calcium fortified feed meant for laying hens.

The birds I grow for meat aren't technically "meat birds" in that they are not pure bred for meat (huge weight gainers/fast growers etc.), but dual-purpose birds. We just eat the boys and let the girls lay.

Thanks heaps for the info
I went to our local UFA and was told they didn't carry a mixed breed feed and their highest protien was 20% aside from a turkey feed that was 35% for chicks.

When I told them my turkeys and chicks have all been eating the same medicated chick starter they gasped (several of them) and said the turkeys CANNOT have chicken food. So far everyone seems happy though. Can I not raise them all in the same coop and run together?

Maybe its too much to think I could have a few layers, dual purpose and turkeys all in the same area. I have no problem buying the different foods I just didn't want to have to section each bird off is all.
Of course they told you that...

I wouldn't give up without a fight if I were you, I'm sure it can be workable.... I've never tried to raise turkeys, but I'm sure somebody on here has some answers for you... Good luck!
I feed blue seals broiler grower crumbles which are 24% from start to finish. You can also do finisher for the last few weeks but the meaties are all pretty happy on their regular food plus grass and bugs

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