Feed store chicks

My TSC usually has between 4 and 6 stocked bins. One for ducks(which they usually go to clearance because no one wants 24 ducks @ $6 each), a bin of red sexlinks, a couple bins that change every week, simetimes sexed BJG's, sometimes amberlinks, white leghorns or brahmas, a banty bin mostly containing EOGB's and silkies, and a cornish x bin. If they have a bad week they usually double up the birds that dont look alike, like amberlinks and red sexlinks so they can order more. Sometimes they also have two bins of ducks, usually about 2 weeks age difference.
Thanks for the info "kacklinkelly", I will definately ask if a calendar is available. On my last stop
at Tractor supply I asked a young lady what type of chicks they carry, and she said "the fluffy
yellow ones". Oh well, live and learn.
When I asked someone at a feed and health store for someone to talk to about chickens, I was told to go to the "meat department". Boy, talk about being sent in the wrong direction!
Our feed stores here only separate by gender...they have no clue what is in the bin, and it can be hard to figure it out on your own...maybe look at a hatchery...Meyer Hatchery only requires that a minimum of 3 chicks be ordered at a time....
Thanks for all the great info. I will have to get out and ask some knowledgeable folks at TSC and Agway etc. I have a feeling I may end up
going through Meyers or someone like them who will ship a small amount of chicks. There is a local poultry club that meets once a month,
and I plan to go next month and ask what their sources are also. I know one gent raises buff orps. and he may be someone local that I can
I've had better luck with my local feed stores then with Tractor Supply. My TSC usually just has a bin of mixed bantams, a bin of "red pullets" and sometimes one or another other breed. And they sell out fast! You have to be quick to get any chicks. But the feed store gets a much better variety and more quantity as well. I've gotten my barred rocks, buff orpintons, and ee's to name a few from local feed stores.

Have you considered ordering from a hatchery that fills small orders, like My Pet Chicken? Then you can get exactly what you want.
we do have 1 local feed store (not a chain) that knows breed...they do sell out FAST so if you want something particular you have to 'special order' where they put you on a list and call you when they come...even then it is still first come first serve...but they give the ppl on the list first grabs.
If you are wanting specific breeds you can always check craigslist in the spring as well. It is also nice to be able to go and see where the chicks are being bred and to be able to ask more questions about them.
Feed store chicks,or hatchery chicks, don't want to say are inferior because we buy them also. The best chicks that we have found come out of a local small hatchery. To me it seems that the shipping takes it out on the little buggers. This guy also does incubating of your own eggs.
Ideal also does small orders as long as the total dollar amount is 25 bucks. We have gotten beautiful birds from any source, the local ones though seem more healthy. If you do get them from a feed store,make sure they are the chicks you want,not just the ones they grab for you. Check for pasting,curled toes,or other defects and then enjoy.

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