Feed, what type is best?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Norco, CA
I have always fed lay mash. I see alot of people buying lay crumble or lay pellets when I'm at the feed store. Is there a benifit to one or the other? Is the cost different? Will the hens prefer one over the other?
I like to use crumple starter / grower
Pellet layer
just becouse there is less wasting of feed.. They say that you should wet the mash when feeding it..
They are all the same thing just a different shape/size. Mash is the finest at usually near powder and pellets are the biggest. Generally pellets have the least waste. Having tiny bantams though I feed crumbles which are probably the most common. Mash is generally used to mix with stuff or for feeding wet feed.

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