Feeding 11 babies various ages. Help 😩


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
They were removing an asbestos roof from a building in town and there were a bunch of baby wild pigeons
Two options are euthanasia so they don’t starve or I feed. 🤷‍♀️
I did feed one years ago for about a week till mum and dad got the idea (fancy breed they don’t normally let raise own young) but honestly I’ve forgotten everything

I bought some hand raising mix for parrots and finches etc.
I have pigeon pellets

now what 🤷‍♀️😩

seems to be three sizes. One must be so close to leaving nest. Just few wispy feathers on top of heads.
Any tips or idea of ages?

oh and youngest are in a humidicrib so I can regulate temp if needed. Winter here

other two lots are in outdoor cat condos. I figure feathered enough not to need supplemental heating? Or should I overnight?


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They were removing an asbestos roof from a building in town and there were a bunch of baby wild pigeons
Two options are euthanasia so they don’t starve or I feed. 🤷‍♀️
I did feed one years ago for about a week till mum and dad got the idea (fancy breed they don’t normally let raise own young) but honestly I’ve forgotten everything

I bought some hand raising mix for parrots and finches etc.
I have pigeon pellets

now what 🤷‍♀️😩

seems to be three sizes. One must be so close to leaving nest. Just few wispy feathers on top of heads.
Any tips or idea of ages?

oh and youngest are in a humidicrib so I can regulate temp if needed. Winter here

other two lots are in outdoor cat condos. I figure feathered enough not to need supplemental heating? Or should I overnight?
Wow! You have taken on a big job. The good thing is that they are all past the crop milk stage. I believe they are from 8-10 days to nearly a month old. They older ones are nearly ready to eat on their own.
Tips -
Make sure the bird is not chilled or dehydrated before feeding.
Not sure how cold it gets where you are ? Does it get below freezing?
Be sure to allow the crop to mostly empty before feeding again.
I use 2 different hand feeding meals. One is thawed frozen green peas. I place these one by one in the back of the throat and let baby swallow. 20 -30 peas per meal.

The main hand raising formula I use is chicken flock raiser pellets moistened and then ground up in a blender with water to the consistency of catsup/ketchup. I feed this in something like a small baby bottle with a balloon stretched over the mouth of the bottle. Cut a slit in the balloon so baby can stick his beak in.
Use your pigeon pellets for this, that will be even better than the chicken ones.
I think they might be old enough not to need the parrot raising formula.

You have so many that I believe it would be extremely useful to tube feed if you find its taking too long. @Pyxis could help you with that if you don't already know how.

Bless you for caring and good luck! Updates please?
I can't really add anything to what has already been posted. My neighbor used to raise pigeons. Now and then I would care for her animals. She fed the pigeons the same flock raiser feed she fed her other birds. Good luck...
I can't really add anything to what has already been posted. My neighbor used to raise pigeons. Now and then I would care for her animals. She fed the pigeons the same flock raiser feed she fed her other birds. Good luck...
If you ever want to get into them, come hang out in the pigeon section, and we'll give you all the info you need!
Wow! You have taken on a big job. The good thing is that they are all past the crop milk stage. I believe they are from 8-10 days to nearly a month old. They older ones are nearly ready to eat on their own.
Tips -
Make sure the bird is not chilled or dehydrated before feeding.
Not sure how cold it gets where you are ? Does it get below freezing?
Be sure to allow the crop to mostly empty before feeding again.
I use 2 different hand feeding meals. One is thawed frozen green peas. I place these one by one in the back of the throat and let baby swallow. 20 -30 peas per meal.

The main hand raising formula I use is chicken flock raiser pellets moistened and then ground up in a blender with water to the consistency of catsup/ketchup. I feed this in something like a small baby bottle with a balloon stretched over the mouth of the bottle. Cut a slit in the balloon so baby can stick his beak in.
Use your pigeon pellets for this, that will be even better than the chicken ones.
I think they might be old enough not to need the parrot raising formula.

You have so many that I believe it would be extremely useful to tube feed if you find its taking too long. @Pyxis could help you with that if you don't already know how.

Bless you for caring and good luck! Updates please?
Only gets to about 3-6c here overnight thankfully!

babies are eating ok but I’m having no luck with the older ones. Must admit feel like I’ll choke them sticking a whole pea in there 🙀 but I’ll give a try 😬

If you ever want to get into them, come hang out in the pigeon section, and we'll give you all the info you need!
I actually did a few years ago but got so many rude comments about my pigeons I gave up 😬. I had some really fancy ones that were going to be culled by a national champion breeder as pets. They are like fan tails but bred with the head so far back they look like they are headless when they walk. Not to every bodies taste but we saved them being culled and we love their weirdness. 😋
Once you and the birds get some practice with the peas they should get more cooperative. I can sometimes line up 3 peas at a time into their beak. Haha.
Are you also going to try the pellets ground up with water into a gruel type mixture? I recommend this for the younger ones as it has more nutrients for them. The older ones should have seeds to play with and they will soon be eating on their own.

For water drinkers I take a 2 liter juice bottle and cut a hole about 3 inches above the bottom. I dip their beaks like you would do for chicks so they get the idea.
Only gets to about 3-6c here overnight thankfully!

babies are eating ok but I’m having no luck with the older ones. Must admit feel like I’ll choke them sticking a whole pea in there 🙀 but I’ll give a try 😬


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