Feeding call duck who was attacked by coon

Going Quackers

12 Years
May 24, 2011
On, Canada
Keeping this short and to the point. I have a call who had been attacked by a coon last Friday, she is recovering however while we have been able to help her drink as well as provide electrolyte water, food is concerning, what do i do? baby formula, soak the staple feed we already use, a baby bird type food?

Thanks for helping.
I just had this happen with a young chicken. I syringed water and electrolytes to her. And made a watery mash with all flock crumble I had on hand. She started eating better when she was back out with her flock.
My pekin with a deformed bill from a raccoon attack loves a very soupy mash. I even put his mealworm treats in there -- they float in the water and he definitely eats those first!! I add extra water during the day if it gets a little thick as it needs to be very liquid for ease of slurping it up!
I just had this happen with a young chicken. I syringed water and electrolytes to her. And made a watery mash with all flock crumble I had on hand. She started eating better when she was back out with her flock.

I can get her to drink normally, the eating part is the issue. I would put her back but other than one other little drake baby from last year, that entire flock is dead. Yeah.
My pekin with a deformed bill from a raccoon attack loves a very soupy mash. I even put his mealworm treats in there -- they float in the water and he definitely eats those first!! I add extra water during the day if it gets a little thick as it needs to be very liquid for ease of slurping it up!
Okay, definitely will try this with her. Unfortunately, I am not 100% certain on her sight, she lost one eye but maybe entirely blind in the remaining which is not helping matters. ty!
Okay, definitely will try this with her. Unfortunately, I am not 100% certain on her sight, she lost one eye but maybe entirely blind in the remaining which is not helping matters. ty!
If she is blind, you may have to dip her bill into the soup. But I think ducks have a good sense of smell and so after she has tried it, she will recognize the smell of hte soup in the future.
If she is blind, you may have to dip her bill into the soup. But I think ducks have a good sense of smell and so after she has tried it, she will recognize the smell of hte soup in the future.

Have done, she nibble a bit she is still suffering from a lot of trauma(no wonder, eh?) we are treating the remaining eye but i am not very hopeful.

She is standing and we did give her a bath which she responded well too. Going to start a separate thread on caring and keeping a blind duck something i have not dealt with. sigh.

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