Feeding Egg Yolks


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Jefferson, Wisconsin
So I have a sick/sneezing 3 week old chick and I'm wanting to give her some egg yolk - and this is a stupid question, but how should I cook it? Hard boil the egg? Can I fry it?
My chicks liked it boiled the best. You can scramble it too, preferably no butter but my chicks didn't like as well. Fry will work too-I always made mine hard yolk don't think it would be a problem if the yolk was soft if it made it more appealing to the sick chick. I didn't want it to develop a taste for fresh eggs.
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I would boil a dozen or so and then feed them for treats to the chicks. There is a link on here for hard boiling eggs and not having the shell stick-it works great. You get the water hard boiling, drop in the eggs gently, boil hard 15-17 min. then chill quickly.The shell peel right off, it seems to shrink the egg inside the shell. The yellow is centered, bright colored and no green outline.
Where is that link?


boil your eggs until they are done cooking

drop the hot eggs into some ice water

the egg inside has more of a capacity to shrink than the shell on the outside which makes it easier to peel

or you can just stick it in the fridge for an hour or two to get the same effect
The only trick that works is (and it was here that I found it but have no idea where the link is) Bring your water to a boil, carefully spoon your eggs into the water, bring water back up to boil and boil for 14 mintues, remove from heat, run cold water over eggs until they cool off and peel. I also slightly crack the eggs before the cool bath by make sure all of the water is out of pan and gently toss eggs in the pan. Im sure someone will have the link.
I would worry about the sneezing more than boiling eggs. It could have a respiratory problem. I would at least seperate it from the others until you can nurse it back to good health. Not trying to worry you but if it's caused by something contagious it could spread to the others. Good Luck and i hop your chick gets better soon.

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