Feeding fruits/veggies


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
I tried to feed my girls some cantaloupe and bananas yesterday and they do not seem interested. Do I just keep trying or feed it a certain way? I just cut them up in to pieces. They really like cabbage and grapes so far.
I tried to feed my girls some cantaloupe and bananas yesterday and they do not seem interested.  Do I just keep trying or feed it a certain way?  I just cut them up in to pieces.  They really like cabbage and grapes so far.

It's funny that they have different tastes. Mine love bananas and cantaloupe and are not very interested in cabbage. I'd suggest going with what they like, but then my husband says I spoil the chickens.
It's funny that they have different tastes. Mine love bananas and cantaloupe and are not very interested in cabbage. I'd suggest going with what they like, but then my husband says I spoil the chickens.

They do have different tastes.
Ours especially love Kale but don't care for cabbage. Love apples, apricots and peaches, but not nectarines or beets. Love carrots (only grated or cooked- but that may be due to how hard they are.) but not lettuce. Any squash or pumpkin or watermelon is a winner. They do like Brocolli leaves, chard and juicy red Beetberrys, but not the leaves. They don't care for New Zealand spinach. They could live on tomatoes if you let them.
I suppose I will treat them like children, keep trying until they eat it, haha. Mine do like tomatoes too.

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