Hello fellow knowledgeable chicken people! I have just moved my old hen (6 yr old Barred Rock) into the run/coop with my Littles (ages 11 wks and 12 wks) and was wondering if it's okay for me to mix in some lay pellets and all flock pellets with the chick starter.
I've read in different places that chicks need to eat chick starter for 16 weeks and pullets shouldn't get lay pellets until they start laying. I have already started mixing in some all flock pellets and a tiny bit of hen scratch with their chick starter feed, but is it safe for them to get the lay pellets this early? Thanks!
I've read in different places that chicks need to eat chick starter for 16 weeks and pullets shouldn't get lay pellets until they start laying. I have already started mixing in some all flock pellets and a tiny bit of hen scratch with their chick starter feed, but is it safe for them to get the lay pellets this early? Thanks!