Feeding Turkey Poults and Pullets?


11 Years
May 29, 2008
Hudson Valley NY
I don't know how to keep the feed separate and keep the turks just on the higher protein feed. Is it ok for me to use Layer crumble mixed with Chick starter?
Pullets are 16 weeks (almost 17)
Turks hatched Aug 11th. so 8 weeks.
The turkeys will be getting less protein than they need. The good news is that they will not die. However, they will have to eat more food than usual in order to get the required amount of protein that they need. They also won't grow as fast as they would have with enough protein.

There is one possible advantage to this---Your poults won't be growing quite as fast, so they likely will not "outgrow their internal organs". By this, I mean that the commercial turkeys of today grow so fast that their hearts, lungs, livers, etc. cannot keep up, and the mortality rate is quite high on these birds, especially when they get older.

If you have "heritage" turkeys, you won't have to worry about them outgrowing their organs.

You should be just fine with feeding the layer mash.
You could also just feed gamebird layer, it is higher in protein, however dont know how the extra Calcium(any layer ration) will affect such young turkeys may not be good for there growth.

ive always raised my turkeys on medicated feed for at least the first 3-4 months(depending on cond), then switched them to flockraiser pellet until it was time to lay, then they go on gamebird layer.... only other option would be to have a second pen for your turks..

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What about Turkey's that free range?? How much and what should I feed them??

I usually just toss out some layer feed & scratch grains morning and night for the chickens and two ducks....

I just got 5 of the cutest juvenile turkeys.... Undetermined age....


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