Feeding Wild Birds

Saw something somewhat unusual yesterday as I pulled into my driveway. A doe with twin fawns was on the neighbor's front lawn. She and one of the fawns were autumn/winter gray brown and the other fawn was still summer reddish brown with some spots. Both fawns were the same size. There's a six point buck feeding under the home bird feeder. Today he appeared with all of the velvet rubbed off of his antlers.
That sounds like a lovely sight.
While watching Penn State/Ohio State football game there was a thud against the picture window. Went out to find a seriously stunned nuthatch. Things did not look good. I moved it to a chair on the porch so that Scaredy Cat would not find it. It seems to be coming around. Maybe it will be okay.
While watching Penn State/Ohio State football game there was a thud against the picture window. Went out to find a seriously stunned nuthatch. Things did not look good. I moved it to a chair on the porch so that Scaredy Cat would not find it. It seems to be coming around. Maybe it will be okay.
I have had birds get stunned hitting windows and be fine afterwards. A very few didn't male it.

The thump is really loud when it is a hawk chasing a song bird.

One little warbler took most of the day to come around.
We only put out seed once the bugs are gone.

we don’t use feeders for the wild birds in winter. We see too much rough competition at the feeders our neighbors use. We scatter the seed widely . No fighting, and the multiple different flocks don’t congregate.

There’s a bigger lesson in there….

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