Feeding your flock amidst of feed shortages

I grow both mint and comfrey in containers. They can be hard to keep from spreading, so the containers do the job.
I grow mint around the perimeter of my run. The chickens don’t eat it, but I figure it may help keep odors and flys in check.

To help keep the spread in check, I cut it back and use the clippings in my coop and nest boxes when I’m cleaning my coop.
It was a huge honking compost pile, hundreds of birds, big front end loaders and semis hauling in materials. But he was feeding those birds with restaurant scraps and they sure looked healthy for in the winter.
The edible acres folks are a small homestead - that sounds like a much bigger operation. Same concepts though, developing a system.
Hi I wasn’t aware of any feed shortages, surely it can’t as bad as all that?

In my part of the world feed is still available. I could never trade a hen for a chicken dinner. But certainly if you can’t feed them…
My hens and roo will eat anything in a pinch. Hard question, no easy answers…
World wide crop failures this year. Usually it may be one spot or another, but grain staples have been heavily damaged all over the world through various crap circumstances. https://news.mongabay.com/2021/08/a...ate-disasters-raise-alarm-over-food-security/

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