Feet Color - BJG vs Australorp

@Acre4Me It's been 2 weeks, any updates with legs/Wings?
Are they still so adorable !!

Yes! Here is the link to the wing/comb development discussion. I expect to take more pics of the chicks tomorrow. They are very "flappy" at this stage, so it might be 50/50 on getting wing pics. Bottoms of feet look the same for now and I didn't take pics last week, but might take pics again soon (or might wait a few more weeks). It is interesting, though, that the BJG legs are so very big compared to the other 5 breeds of chicks that we have.

Oh forgot about that thread, thanks !!
Guess that is why they are Giants ;) too bad they don't lay as well as the BA's

Yes - I got them because they are different and really beautiful birds. Then again, if I had my way, I would get a Great Dane dog too. I figured for our first foray into chickens, we would try a few breeds. We have straight run Dark Brown Leghorns (5) so, we should have 2-3 excellent egg layers, then 3 BA girls - also good producers, and 3 EEs for colorful eggs. One SLW girl and 2 BR girls round out the mix. We should have plenty of eggs for our use and a few to give to the neighbors, perhaps.

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