Fellow Louisianians

Hi Mary...
Well I am from Louisiana as well and I live in Ponchatoula. I would like to connect to other chicken lovers such as myself so glad you put that message out. I have one very loved dog named Belle, one cat named TigerLily, three grandcats that live with me, 2 RIR, 2 Black sex-links, 2 Cochins (one a rooster and he will have to go), 2 Araucana's, 4 Barred Rocks, 2 Production Reds, and one studley Barred Rock Roo named Dudley! I have 3 grown children although my son and his wife live on our property with my granddaughter and my older daughter lives at home. My younger daughter is in the Navy almost 2 years now. I got into the chicken raising business last May when my son and granddaughter gave me 6 little chicks for Mother's Day... the gift that kept on giving.... ha! We had to construct a coop, fence in almost an acre of our backyard, enclose and smaller area around the coop for protection. I lost one hen to a hawk (hence the extreme protection measures) and another one to unknown causes (I think maybe a quick onset of heat stroke) so I still 4 of the original 6. I just adore them all! Well I hope I introduced myself in detail enough.... so, nice to meet you Mary.
Very nice to meet you Cindy. As my signature states...I have many different chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc...I recently hathed some shipped eggs. EEs and WCBl Polish...I want more polish now...lol...Its an addiction that I can stop at any time...I hope!
Hey y'all I'm Phoebe and I'm in Denham Springs. I got into chickens exactly 1 year ago, after much begging and whining when hubby decided it was HIS idea......
I have 2 sons, one will be 17 in August and one will be 4 in August.
I have 6 Miniature Pinschers (all but one is adopted) and I do Min-Pin and Pug rescue. I have .......Lord, way too many chickens.......White leghorns, Black Australorpes, Barred Rocks, Dominiques, BSL, RSL, Golden Campines, GLW, RIR, Welsummers, EE, lots of mutts, a white turkey (Giblet) and a bronze turkey (Sandwich), plus 3 ducks.....And I hatching more EE's and some Black Copper Marans (can't wait!!)

And Like Cindy, I started with 4 chickens, and 1 pen, but now we have 2 and need at least 2 more. Good thing my hubby loves me!
I am sort of in Louisiana as my family lives in Lake Charles and I am on the border trying to move there!

I have all kinds of chickens. But I love Araucanas and Silkies.

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