Female Chinese in Portland Oregon Area Looking for Loving Home


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 7, 2008
P{lease place all ads in the Buy Sell Trade forum.

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I have a sweet female White Chinese who is about 1 1/2 years old. She was badly injured this summer by a bobcat bite to the neck and lost her best friend, another goose, at the same time. I nursed her back to health and now she is doing really well. She has a funny little way of walking now and falls down if she has to turn too quick - but it's pretty adorable really. She is a great layer. She started laying last fall - in 2011 - and laid throughout the winter, spring and summer until she was attacked and just started laying again about a month ago. Right now she is laying and egg every other day. What I am really wanting for her is to have a friend again - or a group of friends. I don't want her to be lonely and I'd love it if she could run around and swim - cause she loves to do both. I would love to keep her but my living situation has changed quite a bit and I unfortunately won't have a way to keep her much longer. Right now she stays outside in a penned area with a small pond and I bring her inside at night - but she had been an outdoor goose until she was injured. I'm hoping that someone here would be interested in adding her to their home - esp if they love geese!
How sweet I hope you can find her a great loving home.

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