Female ringneck pheasant sick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 1, 2014
Vancouver, B.C Canada

My 3 year old ringneck is sick, I am pretty sure she has pneumonia.
Her symptoms: short-breaths, shivers, fluffed up feathers and hunched, lethargic (she can move for a short distance then stands on one leg or lays downs) when she runs in short bursts she exhibits laboured breathing and lays down. No cough yet, or fever, may have chills. She laid an egg on Thursday and stopped. I have no idea what is wrong with her, but those are the symptons I have observed and I dont know if there is any exotic bird docter in Victoria B.C.....
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My 3 year old ringneck is sick, I am pretty sure she has ammonia... Her symptoms: short-breathing, shivers, fluffed up feather and hunched, lethargic (she can move for a short distance then stands on leg or lays downs) when she exercises by short bursts of running she exhibits laboured breathing and lays down. No cough yet, or fever, may be chills. She aid an egg on Thursday and stopped. I have no idea what is wrong with her, but those are the symptons I have observed and I dont know if there is any exotic bird docter on Victoria... but please do help me!!
Try searching here:

Nope, I have never heard of those before and I believe they dont exist here :/ it seems to me as if her condition is worsening :( now I am getting really worried!
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Nope, I have never heard of those before and I believe they dont exist here
it seems to me as if her condition is worsening
now I am getting really worried!
A vet will have them, but if you can't find a vet, I don't know what to say?

We were thinking antibiotics, if her condition worsens, so a good update! I brought her inside and put her in a nice pen with wood shavings and food and water complete with a blub that produces small quantities of warmth. I put her there at 3 in the afternoon and that meant the world to her! As if nothing had happened to her! I am pretty sure she is either allergic or has a bit of an lung infection, because I noticed when she was prepping for her night time slumber she was breathing a but hard. So I decided to give her week of recovering and have an eye on her. Another question I have is what should their housing litter consist of? I was using hay, but after this its out the door! She has male with her in her enclosure who is worried sick of her disappearence! I was thinking of soft white wood chips but that only lasts for so long, right?

Thank you, kathy for helping out! Really appreciate it! :)

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