Fence panel coop

Our coop is made with old boards. I can see through some. I see it as extra ventilation. (live in the south). Adding some hardware cloth to the areas that may seem to wide would work.
Thats what I think I'll do.This will be our first summer with them so Im hoping the air will pass through and help cool it off. The tarps worked really well during the winter. We didn't have any problems at all.
Hi! Im in French Settlement, so right down the road!
I have 16 chickens that fit incredibly well in the 4x8 one we have built right now. There is a small run attached to it that they can get some fresh air with.
They only sleep and lay eggs in their coop. They have a large "chicken yard" that they stay in during the day when we are at work that is covered with netting. And when we are home they free range the back yard which is like two acres.
I'll be adding about 7 to the flock as soon as the new coop is built and then like 7 more when they are big enough. They're all my new chicks.
@ccredeur :frow Welcome from New Orleans. So you will end up with about 30 chickens, that is so exciting. May I ask what breeds you have?
My husband has family from around French Settlement, many years ago they would cut and ship lumber from there to the New Basin Canal in New Orleans. Small world.
@ccredeur :frow Welcome from New Orleans. So you will end up with about 30 chickens, that is so exciting. May I ask what breeds you have?
My husband has family from around French Settlement, many years ago they would cut and ship lumber from there to the New Basin Canal in New Orleans. Small world.
Awe, small world. I have a very mixed flock. Silkies, a showgirl, frizzles, turkens, marans, RIR, golden comets, Australorps, a polish, L orpington, light brahma, leghorn, legbar, and some barnyard mix babies. My dream is to breed one day.

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