Fencing Systems: Show Us Your System

We have two runs connected by a pulley-operated door. The original run has a solid roof and the other (a later expansion) has 1/2" hardware cloth. Both were made with 4'x4's and 2'x4's. We also have vertical patio stones buried underneath the perimeter of both runs to stop any digging predators. Our chickens can't be free-ranged because of bobcats, foxes, and hawks so the pulley-operated door works great for us. It's closed at night and while we're cleaning, and open for the rest of the day. Our chickens absolutely love running through the door and have turned it into a game.
This is the original coop and run.

Expanded run.

Buried patio stones.

The door between the runs. We can put the chickens on one side while we clean, work or attend to a sick chicken on the other.

The door open.

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