

In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
We have moved our 12 chicks out to the coop and boy are they loving the freedom. We would like to plant some greenery around the run area for a natural fence look ( we have chainlink with chicken wire in front of it). What can I use? Would honeysuckle be okay? Or ivy? I just do not want to use something that would hurt them if they tried to eat it.

Thanks ~Rachelle~Kansas:)
Gosh a Kansas girl, I am moving to kansas this fall and I am actually a native kansan... So nice to meet ya. I am totally unsure what would work for a natural fence look. Most of my chickens have eaten what they could get in their beaks. lol They will eat about anything but tall grasses even weeds look nice if it isn't poison. Chickens eat most herbal type plants its what keeps them healthy. But the weeds don't look... so nice. Still I have seen people cultivate gardens with the wilder weeds and had striking gardens in their yards. Well good luck on the endeavor.

Arklady/ going home to Kansas

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