Feral peafowl left our farm... :( :( :( I miss them terribly...


16 Years
Aug 14, 2007
Hutchinson, MN
We haven't see our three remaining ferals in a few days. I think that having our dogs out with us in the orchards maybe drove them off. I'm so sad -- I put so much effort into keeping them alive through the winter and spend so many hours worrying about them, and now that it's the spring season and I could have just enjoyed their presence on the farm, they're gone.

The 18 acres around our orchards and buildings are all enclosed by a 10-ft deer fence. Clearly they had no problem with it on the way out...if they want to come back in, I hope it doesn't discourage them from flying in again.

The hen kept her chicks alive this long, and without my help in the warmer seasons, so I'm hoping they can find safety, food and water, wherever they are.

On Facebook, someone said they played recordings of honking to call their wandering birds back. I don't know how to get audio to play on a loop.

How likely is it that they'll come back? This is where the chicks have been their whole lives, and this is their reliable source of food and water. But the dogs weren't out as much in the dead of winter as they are now, so maybe that's a deal breaker. We'll have our hens under the orchards (w/electric netting) next week, so maybe the crowds will draw them back?

Anyone know how to play a recording non stop?

Oh, and by way of update for anyone who read the Pascal threads, a nearby farm sanctuary was able to take him. I'm still conflicted about whether his quality of life will be worth it for him and for the people, but the folks were willing to try. He ended up losing his legs almost up to the hocks joints. :(

Peafowl have real potential to bring me joy, but it's not working out that way in practice. Bummer.
When a friend purchased his property, there were peafowl there. In the spring they joined a wild turkey flock and were seen with the turkeys for several years. Hopefully free ranging your chickens will help draw your birds home.

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