Fermented feed - mold or yeast?


May 30, 2022
Pennsylvania, USA
Hi all,
I've just started fermenting feed for the sake of one of my chickens. (She was very thin, stopped laying, dull comb color with a slight purple look to it, always looked cold (even when it was warm out), and was lethargic.) She has improved, and started gaining weight from it. Yay!
But, this morning when I went in to stir the feed, I saw what is featured in the pictures below. Is this Kalm Yeast, or mold? I forgot to stir it yesterday....
It is dry, kind of flaky. There were some bubbles trapped in it. I had noticed some white in one of the buckets the day before yesterday, but this is another level, and in both buckets.
The bucket that has a hole in the white was me touching it. The stuff skims off extremely easily. The white against the black pic is the stuff on a black spoon.

Also if anyone has an idea about what might be bothering my chicken. It's obviously not contagious, as she's been that way for 2 months and the others are fine. I thought maybe heart problems. She's only 2 yrs old, but a hybrid breed that I bought when she was a pullet. She was raised commercially until I got her.


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Mold is white or grayish pertaining to fermenting.

Mold has a sticky texture. That said I don't know what is on your picture. Could be accumulated scum from the feed.

How are you setting up your feed to be fermented?

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