FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

It's Scratch and Peck Naturally Free starter!! OHHHHH just saw that's what you're feeding too!!! But your girls don't like it!?? Oh no!! That worries me... hmmmm I wonder what that's about... definitely going to be watching to see what others say about that...
Please let me know what yours think! What breeds are you hatching?
Quote: Linda, Right now I have 5 grown roosters and at least 3 in the grow out area. And 7 too young to tell. I butchered one of the roos who came back and will do one other. Not the most pleasant experience, but I will get better with practice. Fortunately for me my friend and mechanic was on hand working on my car and being a good country boy, came to my rescue. Anyway, having vowed to not deal with roosters anymore by buying only sexed chicks I continue to defeat myself by hatching more chicks! My good friend's daughter's first grade is experiencing hatching in her incubator with my eggs as we speak! The school was so thrilled with the process that the 2nd and 3rd grades want to do it next. So I have collected another group of eggs for it. Chicks, chicks and more chicks. I will have to go to a seminar or such to learn how to sex chicks. How hard can it be? But killing the males? Too hard! It took me a long time to sell the last bunch, too long in the house! I also fall in love with my roos and they me, apparently! Hopeless? :( Haha!
Linda, Right now I have 5 grown roosters and at least 3 in the grow out area. And 7 too young to tell. I butchered one of the roos who came back and will do one other. Not the most pleasant experience, but I will get better with practice. Fortunately for me my friend and mechanic was on hand working on my car and being a good country boy, came to my rescue. Anyway, having vowed to not deal with roosters anymore by buying only sexed chicks I continue to defeat myself by hatching more chicks! My good friend's daughter's first grade is experiencing hatching in her incubator with my eggs as we speak! The school was so thrilled with the process that the 2nd and 3rd grades want to do it next. So I have collected another group of eggs for it. Chicks, chicks and more chicks. I will have to go to a seminar or such to learn how to sex chicks. How hard can it be? But killing the males? Too hard! It took me a long time to sell the last bunch, too long in the house! I also fall in love with my roos and they me, apparently! Hopeless? :( Haha!

Well, Beverly, you certainly are in a pickle. I don't know how to solve your problem.
I use Diamond Lamb and Rice Formula for Adult Dogs. I started the ff just like I did for my chickens. A little glug of ACV with mother and warm water then add the dog food. Left it for a couple or 3 days then started feeding it to them. They both have gone plumb stupid over this food!!! It doesn't totally smell sour like the chicken's feed but it does have a bit of the sour smell. Started it just as a test in a small container but am going to have to go big or leave 'cause they'll eat me up!
They really love it!!

OH, AND THE BEST PART OF ALL.........no more smelly toxic farts!!!
I think I will try fermenting a little this weekend to see how she likes it. I just poured some fermented liquid over her feed the other day and she wouldn't go near it!! Thanks for the info!
Quote: I'm addicted; what can I say??
You sound just like me Beverly--always too many, hate selling, love hatching, adore roosters the most. I have to get tough!
You're right! Toughness starts this Easter! A good friend has invited me to dinner. I intend to butcher (yuk! That sounds so awful!) rather, I intend to "process" two of my noisiest roosters and take them to her house to cook however she chooses. I have 4 crowing loudly every day; no one has complained yet but it's coming because she (the neighbor) has complained to my closest neighbor about it. The first one only weighed in at 5 pounds so I think I need two. Wish me luck! : )
You're right! Toughness starts this Easter! A good friend has invited me to dinner. I intend to butcher (yuk! That sounds so awful!) rather, I intend to "process" two of my noisiest roosters and take them to her house to cook however she chooses. I have 4 crowing loudly every day; no one has complained yet but it's coming because she (the neighbor) has complained to my closest neighbor about it. The first one only weighed in at 5 pounds so I think I need two. Wish me luck! : )

Make sure she knows how to cook older heritage chicken or everyone will be disappointed.
The carcasses will need to be rested a few days prior to cooking. Then the cooking needs to be low heat and very slow. It's best to part them out and cook the breasts separately. The legs will be extremely firm and need to cook much longer.
Quote: Thanks for the cooking instructions, but they may not be necessary in my case. My roos are very young and crosses; nothing heritage about them. The first one I processed I skinned and put in a pot with onion, garlic, celery and parsley. Salt and pepper, of course. He came out tender, mild in flavor and made the most delicious broth, to which I added some carrots, brown rice and quinoa. So good!

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