FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I agree. Excess water is not necessary and just makes things sloppy, imo. My .02; ymmv.

What ever happened to the cent sign on a keyboard?
I'd pour the excess liquid into another container to start another batch. I'm assuming there are a lot of goodies in the liquid. After you pour off the liquid, there will be room to add a little more dry food to thicken it up more.
I occasionally have to do that if I misjudge how much water or food I'm putting in. I have five, 5 gallon buckets going at once. I go through more than one a day. I don't wait for it to get completely empty, I just add more feed and water to fill it up and go on to the next bucket.
I put packing tape on each bucket and write the date on it each time I fill a bucket so I know which is the oldest.

How many birds for 5 gallon a day?
I'm on my second batch of FF for my 4 Sussex pullets. They are 3 weeks old today. They did not dive into the FF like I expected and you can read about in my posts mid April. They started eating it at about 4 days old, they have been going strong ever since. No pasty, all strong and vibrant.

It took me almost 4 weeks (I started it a week before they arrived) to use up my first batch of FF. I just used the chick starter crumbles. It was RIPE by the end of the batch but no harm to them. I back slopped a bit and made a smaller batch as I just can't stand the smell in the morning from about 3 weeks on. I'm thinking the heat of summer will be rough on the nose. The morning gag reflex is a little hard to stifle.

They are so cute!! I only make enough to last about 5 days max. It is quite ripe when I get near the bottom. I live where it is very warm. Maybe try an even smaller batch so you can handle the morning smell!
I was using the long plastic feeders with the head holes--but open. I was worried it would be hard for them to get to bottom if closed. I closed it and it worked fine. I also spent a lot of time cleaning their feet. If you tug on it at all it makes a hole in their foot (don't ask). Yup I put neosporin on it. It is not easy to clean off feet!
Can you please post a photo of how you have your feeder now? I am having a hard time picturing it.

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