FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

It's one of the small ones with the spinning bar in the middle from TSC, I am only getting eight chicks so I doubt I will fill it up and leave it sit, i'll most likely do multiple feedings.....in the future should I start a new batch of FF and leave out the ACV so I can feed it in the trough without worry? Thank you so much for the help I'm new to chickens and FF and I just want to give them the best from the start.
You technically won't ever need to start a new batch of FF. When your current bucket gets low, you just add more water give it a good stir, pour in some dry feed and VOILA! by the next day a whole new batch of FF! This is called backslopping and you can just continue on in this fashion for as long as you have chickens. If you do decide you need to start over for whatever reason, you still won't need ACV. Simply feed and water will get fermented in about 3-4 days.
It's one of the small ones with the spinning bar in the middle from TSC, I am only getting eight chicks so I doubt I will fill it up and leave it sit, i'll most likely do multiple feedings.....in the future should I start a new batch of FF and leave out the ACV so I can feed it in the trough without worry? Thank you so much for the help I'm new to chickens and FF and I just want to give them the best from the start.

Your FF will make acetic acid as a byproduct, so if you use ACV or not, your FF will still have acidic properties that are capable of corroding galvanized metals.

This is what I did with my feeder. I screwed it to a 2X4 and screwed that to another board on either end. I decided to leave the top off and see what happened and of course they walked in it. I told them that was not polite but they didn't care. I may put the top back on tomorrow. I didn't want to walk back to the house and back again at that point. So, this is there first day in the coop. They are going to be in for a shock when the cold front comes through tomorrow but I guess they have each other to help keep them warm. As well as plenty of good FF.
After posting I was looking at my avatar. What a big change in 4 weeks.
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You technically won't ever need to start a new batch of FF. When your current bucket gets low, you just add more water give it a good stir, pour in some dry feed and VOILA! by the next day a whole new batch of FF! This is called backslopping and you can just continue on in this fashion for as long as you have chickens. If you do decide you need to start over for whatever reason, you still won't need ACV. Simply feed and water will get fermented in about 3-4 days.
I knew I could keep it going off the old water, I was just wondering if I made a new batch without the ACV would I have the corrosion issues.... I may just use that feeder for treats or something else so I don't put my chickies at risk and so I don't have to start a new batch of FF. This is my first time with chicks and the first time I've fermented anything and my boyfriend laughed so hard about how excited I was when my mash started bubbling....lol
I knew I could keep it going off the old water, I was just wondering if I made a new batch without the ACV would I have the corrosion issues.... I may just use that feeder for treats or something else so I don't put my chickies at risk and so I don't have to start a new batch of FF. This is my first time with chicks and the first time I've fermented anything and my boyfriend laughed so hard about how excited I was when my mash started bubbling....lol 

The ACV in the FF is irrelevant to the situation. FF has a low pH ...with or without the ACV. Avoid metal feeders if you can.

This is what I did with my feeder. I screwed it to a 2X4 and screwed that to another board on either end. I decided to leave the top off and see what happened and of course they walked in it. I told them that was not polite but they didn't care. I may put the top back on tomorrow. I didn't want to walk back to the house and back again at that point. So, this is there first day in the coop. They are going to be in for a shock when the cold front comes through tomorrow but I guess they have each other to help keep them warm. As well as plenty of good FF.
After posting I was looking at my avatar. What a big change in 4 weeks.
That's the feeder I use for chicks and FF. The end of the spinner broke off. I have to figure out how to fix it.

Those chicks are plenty big and feathered to handle the weather coming your way. It's in the 40s here now and getting close to the 30s the next couple nights and my chicks are out without a building, just a roof. They're 3 1/2 weeks.

I used a galvanized baby chick feeder for a month and the FF did eat at the metal and I think it was bad to use. I got a new one that was plastic and it worked very well! Stay away from galvanized metals with FF.
Your FF will make acetic acid as a byproduct, so if you use ACV or not, your FF will still have acidic properties that are capable of corroding galvanized metals.
The ACV in the FF is irrelevant to the situation. FF has a low pH ...with or without the ACV. Avoid metal feeders if you can.
X2 all.
Stainless steel is the only metal to use with anything acidic. Glass is best. Most plastics are ok.
I think I may go with the idea of putting FF in for the broody and throwing it to the others every day. I feel like since she's already not eating much than she would get more out of the fermented feed then she would dry. We'll see, this is my first time hatching eggs so I'm learning a lot! :) We have a small little A frame coup that I just fixed up and plan on moving her to there soon so she'll have easy access to feed and water.
That's the feeder I use for chicks and FF. The end of the spinner broke off. I have to figure out how to fix it.

Those chicks are plenty big and feathered to handle the weather coming your way. It's in the 40s here now and getting close to the 30s the next couple nights and my chicks are out without a building, just a roof. They're 3 1/2 weeks.

Thanks, that makes me feel better. You read so many different opinions about what they can handle.

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