FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

The maggots don't eat very much!

Seriously, were you feeding daily?
My FF is absolutely full of maggots! Still ok to feed out?

Sure is! That's just fruit fly larvae and are just added protein. If you are stirring every day and feeding out your FF, it's not likely you'd have a bucket full of maggots, so you might want to make less for the next batch so you feed it out daily and more quickly. I've never had a single maggot in my bucket in the past 3+ yrs, though I've had the fruit flies just like everyone else.

Stir daily and then feed, try to feed your total bucket out in a week's time during hotter weather/climates and within 2 wk. during cooler months/climates.
F2f chick starter? I am concerned the medicated feed will be altered...which I guess it will but sis the medicated stuff that imported to keep as is?
F2f chick starter? I am concerned the medicated feed will be altered...which I guess it will but sis the medicated stuff that imported to keep as is?

Nope. Your chicks are better served by the use of the cultures in FF than in the medication in the feed. No worries...ferment away. In the future, you can skip medicated feeds altogether, as they serve absolutely no purpose.
The last bag of grower feed I bought was medicated because I couldn't find unmedicated at the time. It fermented just fine and the pullets loved it.
Still having trouble getting them to eat the fermented layer feed we just switched to. They are slowly getting used to it.
How would I do fermented feed in a closed bucket without it getting moldy or other unwanted pests? Would I brew it like beer?

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If your getting your feed/grain from a mill you get Whole Roasted Soybean (WRSB) instead of the Meal.
The WRSB is a little lower in Protein but is much higher in Fat. (I believe it's right around 38% protein and 17% fat). My birds dont eat the meal so well but go nuts over the WRSB.
If you do get some it will have a 'Peanut Butter' smell to dot to the roasting.

why do you think adding penaut butter,why not crushed raw almonds
Nothing gets wasted at our place. Any left overs go to the chooks. They also have a big compost pile to dig through. I make enough FFeed for the day. I use pure grains so I add meat and bone meal and livermol at serving. They free range and if locked in the 21 x 12m compound ( we have eagles around ) the have hanging baskets of Lucerne hay. Yes they get treats, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits left over. They seem happy.

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