fertile? or what is this?


Sep 6, 2018
u.p. mi
first time seeing this in an egg and its my first year with chickens so heres a picture can anyone tell me what this is in the yolk and if its anything to work about. are they still edible?

one moment ill crack another and yes i definitely do. i have a black australorp that i got as a chick on aug 11th but my previous math they should be laying around december idk when a rooster can mate ?
one moment ill crack another and yes i definitely do. i have a black australorp that i got as a chick on aug 11th but my previous math they should be laying around december idk when a rooster can mate ?

My Cockerels were born on 4th August and they/he aren't trying anything on the pullets yet. Lost 2 to a fox attack the other day.
this is the roo with 2 of my cochin pullets whom are younger.

think he's too young for that but i also haven't seen those before in my yolks and just moved him in with the rest of the chickens in the past 2-3 weeks. got my new hampshires whom are laying and i got them last spring. none of those have heckle or scythe feathers or any of those roo traits

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