Fertility of an egg


In the Brooder
May 28, 2020
I want to buy a cock for my poultry use, what should I lookout for in order to get the right cock to make my hens lay fertile eggs?
I want to buy a cock for my poultry use, what should I lookout for in order to get the right cock to make my hens lay fertile eggs?
Are you looking to just raise chickens and you don't care about breeding a specific breed?
If that is the case I'd look for a young rooster (not a cockerel) that has been broody raised in a multi-generational flock of chickens as they tend to have much better manners. You will want a full size rooster with full size hens. To maximize fertility, you want one rooster for about 10 hens. However, you cannot just get more than one rooster and put them in with a new flock of hens as they will fight over them and it could get bloody or deadly.
Are you looking to just raise chickens and you don't care about breeding a specific breed?
If that is the case I'd look for a young rooster (not a cockerel) that has been broody raised in a multi-generational flock of chickens as they tend to have much better manners. You will want a full size rooster with full size hens. To maximize fertility, you want one rooster for about 10 hens. However, you cannot just get more than one rooster and put them in with a new flock of hens as they will fight over them and it could get bloody or deadly.
How about 5 hens to 1 rooster?
How about 5 hens to 1 rooster?
That could work. Ofcourse rooster and hen should be fertile. Don't put fewer hens with the rooster. The rooster has an unsaturated desire to reproduce, so with fewer hens you will see that they get naked necks.

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