Fertilized Egg, NO Rooster...

Rhonda Lusk

In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2017
Ya’ll are going to think I’m crazy, because at this point I think I’m crazy, but...
This morning, when I cracked open the eggs to fix my husband breakfast, almost every one of them had blastodiscs...see picture for proof.
Now, I’ve raised chickens for many years, and I know it takes a ROO to fertilize eggs (I also know chickens are not asexual reproducers 😜)
However...I DON’T HAVE A ROOSTER!!!!
Am I crazy??? What am I possibly seeing besides an actual blastodisc???
And before anyone asks if a lone roo could have possibly gotten to my hens...NO. I live in the country and my closest neighbor is over a mile away.
BUT!!! What I will say is I noticed a few days ago one of my hens mounting the others and I thought it was very strange...
What the what...?!?!?!?


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I have never noticed the blastodiscs before in any of my eggs since getting rid of our rooster, and this caught me off guard. The picture isn’t very good (poor lighting/shadows), but they were more bullseye than just a white speck.
Thanks for posting a reply - I feel better knowing I’m not crazy, lol

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