Fighting Roosters, what to do???


7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Southern Minnesota
My 2 roosters George (buff orpington) and Jose (production red) are 9 months old and have grown up together. We have 7 hens too. They have always gotten along and George has been top dog as he "matured" first. Over the last couple of days Jose has been attacking George running him into the corner of the coop being a bad chicken. My husband has even had to pick George up and put him up in the nesting boxes to escape the wrath of Jose. Today Jose chased George out of the coop and won't let him back in. The chickens are allowed to free range any time they please during the day. The coop door is always open, during the day. The chickens don't like the snow much, but do venture out even thought it has been very cold (I live in southern Minnesota). Do I let them establish a new pecking order as long as the fighting doesn't get out of hand or do I get rid of one of the boys. HELP!!
I had the same problems with my two cockerels who grew up together and were brothers. One nearly killed the other. I had to give one away in the end. I tried putting them in separate runs but they would squawk at each other all day long. Looks like you will have to get rid of one. I chose to give up the dominant one as i thought maybe he would be too aggressive, and kept the more subdued one. Good luck.
Perhaps Josie is challenging George to see who will be the ''top chicken''. If you have any questions, just ask.
I would get rid of one. If not confined then two roosters would be OK.

At first it might be counter-intuitive but to get by with multiple roosters, I would have to actually step up number so top dogs could not direct all energy on one lower ranking bird. That would require more birds. To provide example, in my domininique holding pens I can keep 6 roosters and 20 hens with no problems. Problems arise as I reduce number to two or sometimes even three even though birds reared together.
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I would get rid of one. If not confined then two roosters would be OK.

At first it might be counter-intuitive but to get by with multiple roosters, I would have to actually step up number so top dogs could not direct all energy on one lower ranking bird. That would require more birds. To provide example, in my domininique holding pens I can keep 6 roosters and 20 hens with no problems. Problems arise as I reduce number to two or sometimes even three even though birds reared together.
Good point, yes. By upping numbers you may get away with it :)
2 roos will quite likely overmate and stress 7 hens unless they're free ranged. I'd get rid of a rooster, myself.

Other than that, let them settle it. Your husband stepping in is just prolonging things. They need to settle this one way or the other. As long as there's no blood, leave them to it.

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