Fighting when returning to the coop in the evening


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2020
Hi all,

my chickens seem to be fighting a lot when they are trying to settle down for the night. We have 21 chickens, 8 weeks old, various breeds and 9 roosters at the moment (we bought unsexeded dual purpose birds with the intent of processing the ones we don’t want to keep).

We have a big coop and more than enough roosting bar space for all of them but there is so much clucking and pecking and Serious aggression as they Return to the coop for the night from the run and everyone tries to grab a piece of the roosting bars. I’d like to add that if I give it a while (30-45 mins) they do all settle down and I go in and it’s silent but the aggression seems way overboard.

wondering if this is normal? Is it because we have so many roosters At the moment? Thanks!!
It's called the pecking order. They'll work it out.

Just like they accept how it works out after 30-45 minutes, they learn who's who and who gets the choice spot on the roost and go to their own spot in a week or so. That will resolve if for once and for ever. ...until someone senses a weakness and decides to challenge.

That's their business. You don't need to worry about it until you see blood. (You won't.)

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