Figuring out what made my hen sick after I was gone for a month.

Oviduct cancer is common in chickens over 2 years old. Here is a link to read:
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I don't know how old my girls are/were. Old Bitch was named such because she was clearly a more mature bird when we got them. I started with 8 and now have 5. Old Bitch died suddenly and we did an at home postmortem examination and found she had one lung that was black. My first thought was the lung was where the blood pooled after she died, but after dissecting the lung it was clearly diseased. Of course I'm terrible about taking pics so I don't have any. But if you seen pics of miners lung... that's what it looked like. I lost another to a hawk. And now Who to what I believe was cancer. But as far as their ages. Little Girl and Nugget are the only ones I can make any kind of guess at. They were just starting to lay in March and April of 2020. So I'm guessing they were 4 or 5 months old then. The others were already laying daily. Little Girl and Nugget were just starting to lay fart eggs and didn't become consistent egg layers for approximately 2 months. Also, they were still very small compared to the others (about 2 lbs less) and their combs had not fully developed. They have now caught up and no longer look like runts. But from observing their growth and development I'm guessing the others are 6-12 months older than them.
My hen is doing the exact same thing - green-grainy, watery poop, lethargic, flopping over, weight loss... I am guessing either coccidosis or worms... Or maybe old age or a tumor like yours. So sad. And I'm not sure where to get some meds for her. My TSC doesn't appear to have anything helpful except natural supplements.

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