Finally an Egg

Wow, you sure didn't have to wait long on your EE to lay! Most don't lay until 6 months! Mine, however, started early like yours. I think she was 20.5 weeks when she laid her first and we've only gotten 2 from her in the last week since.
I found our first egg when our girls were 17 weeks old. That was the end of July; since then 4 more of the gals have joined her in her "fill the fridge" quest! 5 down, 5 to go.....

I'm not 100% sure, but I'm thinking that the first egg was from one of my 2 white rocks. They are both bigger than everyone else. Since then, 2 of my easter eggers have started, one of my goldstars, and yesterday one of my buff orps started too.
As of today, 7 of our 10 are laying! All 3 of the EE's, 2 of the Buff Orps, 1 of the goldstars, and still undetermined if the other (and first) egg is coming from a white rock or the other goldstar.....(the 3 EE's are all laying bluish/green eggs, I watched the goldstar lay hers so I know for sure which color belongs to her, and I've watched one of the BO's already also and the second egg matches exactly to the color that belongs to the first so safe to assume they are the same..............)

So, now we are waiting on 1 BO, and either one goldstar, or 2 white rocks..........anytime now ladies!! LOL

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